Your family's health
6 healthy goals
Stop smoking.
You can
increase your lifespan by a
decade if you stop smoking.
Eat from the rainbow.
at least 2½ cups of vegetables
and 2 cups of fruit daily.
Play it safe on the road.
Always wear your seat belt.
Don’t forget your helmet if you
bike or ride a motorcycle.
Sleep tight.
Get 7 to 9 hours
of sleep daily. Sleeping fewer
than 5 hours per night may
shorten your lifespan. Regular
napping helps too.
Stress less.
Even a few min-
utes per day of deep breathing
can make a difference. Let go
of angry feelings and make
time for friends, hobbies and
activities that provide a sense
of purpose.
Turn down the volume.
An MP3 player at 50 percent
volume can blast up to 101
decibels, well over safe limits.
God’s plan for living. This
wellness program is based
on Biblical principles found in the
Creation story and supported by
evidence-based science. Learn the best
practices of whole-person living, men-
tally and physically, with a strong
focus on spirituality and faith.
Each letter in the CREATION
acronym will help you remember
one of the eight guiding principles of
wellness and longevity as you embark
on the creation of a new you!
The rst guiding principle:
Choice is the first step toward im-
proving our well-being. Before we can
achieve positive changes in any area
of our lives, we must
to do so.
Every day, often numerous times a
day, we exercise the power of choice.
What is meant by the word
? In the broadest sense, it
means the option or ability to evalu-
ate various courses of action and to
select among them. Choice is the
ability to exercise the power of our
will. Everything we do is the result of
making a choice. We often do things
unconsciously, but we cannot avoid
making choices. Even the choice to
do nothing is still a choice!
It is important that our actions
remain consistent with our will, be-
liefs and goals. We have the respon-
sibility to exercise wisdom in our
choices because they determine every
aspect—and ultimately the course—
of our lives.
As we seek to make right deci-
sions, it’s important that, as much as
possible, we don’t let circumstances
control all those decisions. Whatever
is happening around us, or to us, we
still can control even the smallest
choices—even how to spend $5 or
five minutes. These choices, no matter
how small they may seem, can posi-
tively impact our lives and the lives of
those around us. More importantly,
small choices accumulated over the
years will result in big differences.
Dr. Right?
Find a
God’s prescription for wellness
“...I have come that they may live life to the fullest.”—John 10:10.
Resolve together
Smoking cessation support group
The Cooper Clayton Smoking Cessation Program is
offered free to the public at Manchester Memorial
Hospital on a regular basis. This 13-week program
combines nicotine replacement therapy products
(patches, gum or lozenges) with a supportive
group setting and trained facilitators hosting the
(606) 598-1095
for more information.
2013 Schedule
New classes start on:
January 3
April 18
August 8
Where: Creekview meeting room at Manchester
Memorial Hospital
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